

InnuBiotics is a consultancy service which provides research and development solutions in nutritional biotics to pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and functional food companies. We have a track record in helping companies develop and implement novel programs in nutritional biotics and functional food research that are outside the expertise of their internal research and development.

Establishing the health benefits of nutritional biotics

Nutritional biotics describe components in food, drinks and supplements such as prebiotics, and probiotics that may provide a health benefit when eaten.

In December 2012 the terms 'prebiotic and probiotic' were banned from advertising by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) after they rejected all the health claims associated with the then current prebiotics and probiotics.

The functional food market is strong and the term is still viewed positively by consumers, so the aim is to identify sufficient evidence of the health benefits to support appropriate health claims.

We aim to directly address EFSA’s requirements which mean:

  • focusing on specific strains, not genera 
  • assessing acceptable study populations for the EFSA 
  • performing sufficiently powered studies 
  • assessing beneficial physiological effects through outcomes

How we can help

Innubiotics can bring added commercial value by:

  • Providing clinical proof of consumer benefit
  • Accelerating product time to market
  • Introducing new products to pipeline
  • Substantiating health claims for regulatory approval